
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 11





chapter 11


1. Summing up the American tour fiasco rumours, 1996

On the Thursday that the story broke, excited radio news bulletins announced that the band had held a five-hour summit meeting in their Charlotte hotel, with Patsy present, and that Noel had consequently marched out of the group. And not only that! Patsy had stopped talking to everyone in Oasis and had moved out of Liam's hotel room. 

On Friday morning, while commuters were picking up copies of The Sun to learn that Patsy 'irritates' Noel and has driven 'a wedge' between the brothers, Patsy herself was on TV, talking from LA where she'd been all that week. Looking pale and upset, she told reporters: 'I don't know anything. I haven't spoken to Liam. As far as I know, he's on a plane back to London. I'm bewildered by the whole thing.' 

A recurring theme has been the idea that Noel had reached the end of his tether with Liam, following the singer's escape back to London at the Start of the tour and his later behaviour at the MTV Awards. Noel, the media assured us, had come to regard his younger brother as a professional liability. Friday's Daily Star didn't mince its words: Noel was 'sick to the back teeth" of Liam. 

Liam, for his part, was "suicidal' because of this, according to Sunday's News Of The World in an article described by Johnny Hopkins as 'utter rubbish... not even worthy of comment." 

A showbiz lawyer talking on MTV News on Friday night, ventured that the pair had probably argued over Liam's unpredictability, which would have increased their insurance premiums and resulted in more expensive tour costs. 

in response to The People's contention on Sunday that the band came home from the States because Liam was 'too ill to tour', being 'unstable and plagued by illness', Hopkins said the newspaper was .clutching at straws' in its bid to keep the Oasis story running. 

Liam is said to be initiating legal action against various other publications and a psychotherapist over claims made during the coverage of his initial absence from the American tour. They said he was a patient. 





对Liam来说,和自己的哥哥闹翻无疑是自寻死路,引用Johnny Hopkins执笔的发表在寰球周日新闻上的文章“(Liam)是个彻底的废物……不值一提。”




2. Violent and loving, 1996

That sentiment - you always bottle the one you love most - says everything about the relationship between Liam and Noel. It's violent and loving - not a lie for the benefit of the media. "I love me brother," says Liam. "But I also hate him. Some days I despise him. And I know it's the same for him. That's life, mate."



3. We're not close, 1996

 “I'm miles away from Noel. We've gone past being close. Know what I mean?" Not at all, actually. "Well, neither do I, but we don't need to be close." - Liam



4. What if your brother didn't write songs? 1996
But what if your brother didn't write songs?

"That's like, 'What if the fucking world was square?'" says Liam. He pauses as if to find the most perfectly offensive example, then continues: "'Or what if the queen had fucking 10 tits?'"



5. Noel knows best, 1996

On board the bus Noel has been given a video about the mafia by his guitar roadie Jason. "You watch," he says. "We'll put it on and Liam will go, 'Wankers, yo ain't hard. I could have you.' You watch." Liam appears. "Put some music on," he says, plonking down. "Nah, we're going to watch this video." "What's it about?" "The mafia." "Mafia? Fuck's sake, why do you want to watch that? That's shit. Play some tunes, man." "Nah, we're going to watch this." "Oh, I suppose it makes you feel hard watching that kind of shit does it? Make you feel like a man, does it?" "No, we just want to watch a thing about the mafia." Someone leans over, pushing the play button. The video starts. "Fucking wankers," Liam spits, as Al Capone and his boys fill the screen. "I could have them. Any time." Noel grins triumphantly. Told you so. "Right, that's it," Liam fumes. "I'm going down the back and I'm going to play my tunes and I'm going to learn something and I'm not going to sit here getting all fucking hard and macho over this gangster shit because I'm into peace and love, me, and that's that." As he stamps off, Noel says to Alan White, 'He'll be back up here in ten minutes.' "Nah, he's serious, he'll stay down there." "Bet you a tenner?" "You're on." The group are all in a good mood. The gig was good one, auguring well for Chicago, the first really major town of the tour. As it happens, the windy city will be the one where the band do play a dream of a gig, with the crowd going mental from start to finish. But that's tomorrow. A minue later, Liam returns in a huff. "Bastard," says Alan to Noel, fishing in his pocket for the wedge. "What's going on?" Liam wants to know. "There's no fucker down there. I'm not going to sit on my jacks, am I?" "Right," Noel announces. "For you to sit here after all that gyp you gave us about watching the video, you've got to let me pull you're beard." Thsi is when the brothers get funny, real funny. Liam: "You're not pulling my bird. I spent a year pulling her." "No, come on, let me pull your beard." "Nah, pull your own." "I can't I'm clean shaven." "So leave my bird alone."

Noel的吉他管理员Jason在巡演巴士上给了Noel一盘讲黑帮故事的录影带。“你等着瞧吧,”Noel说道,“我们把这带子播上,Liam肯定会说,‘混蛋,你没硬,我能搞定你’。你等着瞧”。Liam现身了。“来点音乐,”他说道,拨弄了一下吉他弦。“不,我们要看这盘录影。”“什么内容?”“黑帮”“黑帮?天,你们怎么会想看那个?低俗!给我们弹些歌吧,老大。” “不,我们就看这个。” “噢,看这垃圾能让你起意是吗?让你觉得自己像个男人?” “非也,我们就是想看个黑帮题材的东西。”有人倾身按了开始键。录像开始播了。当Al Capone和他的黑帮小弟填满了大屏幕时,Liam咒骂道:“一帮傻子。”  “我能把他们弄到手,分分钟都可以。”Noel炫耀似的咧笑道:“早告诉过你们。” “好的,就这么着吧,”Liam赌气地说道,“我要到车厢后面,弹自己的吉他去,我会学些玩意儿,我才不会坐在这儿对着这部黑帮烂片起生理反应就为了让自己觉得有男子气概,爱和和平才是我要的,爱怎么地怎么地吧。”他怒气冲冲走开时,Noel和Alan White说,“10分钟内他肯定会回到这来”。“不可能,他这回是较真儿的,他会待在底下的。”“赌10镑?” “赌就赌”。合唱团气氛很融洽。昨晚的演出效果不错,是明天芝加哥演出的吉兆,美国之旅的第一个大城市。会和想的一样,乐队会在芝加哥作一场梦幻般酷炫的演出,观众自始自终都为之疯狂。可那是明天的事。一分钟过后,Liam气冲冲地回来了。“该死的”Alan一边从自己的口袋掏出赌注,一边对Noel骂道。“怎么回事?”Liam问道,“巴士底下鬼影都没个。我才不要傻傻地一个人呆在那儿,对吧?”“当然,”Noel回道,“你对我们要看这部电影说了一车有的没的,现在又想和我们坐在一块儿,为这你得让我扯扯你的胡子。”这时候哥俩变得非常有意思,相当的有意思。Liam:“你别想碰我的胡子,我花了一年才养成的。”“别这样,来嘛,让我扯扯你的胡子”“要扯扯你自己的去”“没得扯呀,我刮得太干净了。” “别动我胡子的主意。”(囧,烂总,你能把beard爱称作bird?你丫是有多自恋)



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