
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 12





chapter 12


1. I miss him now and he misses me, 1996

Despite Wibbling Rivalry, you and Liam do manage to say something nice about one another once in a while. There was an interview recently where he said, "Never one day goes by without me wanting to see our kid."
"I know what he's saying because I'd like to be in Manchester to look out for him. He's a bigmouth, you know, all front, "I'm gonna shag Justine from Elastica," all that. I wish I did still live up there so I could (mimes locking Liam's head and er his arm, fist in face), "Shurrup, will ya, just shurrup." I miss him now and he misses me. He's the most famous person in Manchester. The poor lad can't walk outside the front door without being Liam Gallagher, if you know what I mean, and getting beaten up or threatened at least."



“我懂他的意思,我也想自己能待在曼城照顾他。他说话总不留心,你知道,心直口快,‘我想上Elastica的Justine’之类的。我真希望自己还住在曼城,这样我就能(模拟着把Liam的头摁进自己的手臂,用拳头打他脸)“闭嘴,能不能闭上你的嘴,乖乖闭嘴。”我现在挺惦记他的,他是一直都想着我。他是曼城最出名的人。可怜的娃无法走出家门却不被认出是Liam Gallagher,要是你理解我的意思,(他待在外面总是会)被人揍或至少被人威吓。”

2. Noel worn out by Liam and Patsy. 1996

Stressed-out Noel Gallagher and his girlfriend Meg Mathews have jetted off for a secret sunshine holiday in the Caribbean. A pal says, “Noel has been working non-stop for two years and is totally shattered. And Liam and Patsy have been rowing like hell. Noel is totally worn out by that too.”

Noel 被Liam和Patsy弄烦了

不堪重负的Noel Gallagher已经和女友Meg Mathews飞往加勒比准备好好享受一段秘密的阳光假期。某知情人士说,“Noel已经无休无止地工作了2年,他是彻底累坏了。Liam和Patsy却不停地在制造麻烦。Noel 被他俩整得不得安宁。”

3. Liam on not being thick, 1996

“Make it right, and that, otherwise I'm off. If this is going in The Sunday Times I want it to be right. I'm not bleeping thick. I can't sit down and go [adopts high pitched voice], 'I am no one. I've got nothing to say.' It ain't going to be down to our kid who says which is this and which is that.' He seemed drunk. Or stoned. He would just call it "chilled" ' The manager was visibly nervous at the interview taking place at all. So was the PR. "Did our kid blow you away?" Liam was referring to the interview he interrupted two days before. "Did our kid blow you away? I thought you pinned him in a corner. I thought that was sad. You was deffo, deffo, in charge. I don't do interviews no more me, because I've been told I can't do them because it's not good for the band. So they've left it all to our kid. But it's not all his band. I think I'm totally on it. I'm mad for it because you were on our kid's back. So I want this interview proper, and if the interview comes out me more than our kid then I'm fed up for that. So carry on.”




4.Liam "a fucking brilliant frontman" 

With all the background of family uproar between you, why didn't you sack Liam when you took over the band?

"Liam's a fucking brilliant frontman and he stamps his authority over everything he sings. It's his. I can't even come close. Now, the way it's going is there are certain songs where I'll go, "You're too punk rock for this one," so I do it. He's cool about it. What holds Liam back is his refusal to write lyrics. He won't even entertain it."

Didn't that come from you putting him on the back foot, shaking his confidence?

”I suppose so. Half of it's probably my fault.”






5. We'll be old together, 1996

   You and Liam being five years apart, that's a huge gulf when you're in your teens. Were you close?

"It's the theory of relativity, isn't it? When I was 15, he was 10. A social life with him was inconceivable. It's laughable to think I'd end up in a band with him. But here we are. I'm 28 and he's 23. Such is life. When I'm 65 he'll be 60 and it'll be irrelevant, we'll both be old together."



“这是个相对论的问题,不是吗?我15岁时,他10岁。和他一起出去玩根本不可思议。让我想象自己最后会和他一起搞乐队肯定会让当时的我笑到不能自已。可我们现在真这样。现在我28岁,他才23。命该如此。 我65岁时,他将60,到时我比他大多少岁就不打紧了,我俩会一起慢慢变老。”




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