
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 13





chapter 13


1,The days when Oasis girlfriends were hotter than supermodels (1997) 

No wonder Naomi Campbell looked miffed. She was the star of the show but all eyes were on the glamorous pals in the front row. 

Meg Matthews and Patsy Kensit forgot all about their fellas - Oasis brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher - as they laughed and chatted with model Liz Hurley. 

They were treated to the best seats in the house for the highlight of Milan Fashion Week. And the trio giggled and whispered all the way through. 

No wonder Naomi looked super sullen as she paraded in a sparkling Gianni Versace two-piece party outfit. Everyone was watching the celebrity mates and wondering what the big joke was. 



Meg Matthews 和 Patsy Kensit显然已把自己的伴侣——Oasis哥俩Noel和Liam Gallagher抛在了脑后,两人和模特Liz Hurley聊得正欢。



2, They need those "fights" so badly (1997) 

Oasis bad boy Liam Gallagher is fuming - because he hasn't had a punch-up with his elder brother Noel for months. 

The hellraiser singer admits he's in the mood for another of their legendary scraps. 

"We haven't had a good argument in ages, and I'm bored," Liam told me before jetting off for a break on the French Riviera. 

"In fact, we might have one in a bit. Might bump into him in the lift and say `Watch it'." 

Noel adds with a shrug: "It's like it's always been and like it's always gonna be. One day it's great. The next day it's not so great." 

Source: Daily Mirror, August 1997
"I think we've got a lot of energy back, a lot of energy that we might have lost in the later days of Oasis, you know what I mean? The music is light on its feet and we're stomping a bit."


Oasis坏小子Liam Gallagher又不淡定了——因为他已经好几个月没和自己的哥哥打过架。


3, The great Noel & Liam takeover, according to Chris Hutton (1997) 

Chris said: "It wasn't until after I'd been kicked out that I found out the full story. Liam had said that Noel would consider joining them – the condition was that I'd have to leave and let Liam be the singer…

The thing about Oasis is that Noel had a band ready to take over. I've got a lot of time for Noel but I think he's too much of a loner to form his own band from scratch. Even Liam, who's not nearly as stupid as people make out, realised that The Rain were already a decent band. It saved a lot of time elbowing me out of the way." 

Chris Hutton声称强势的Noel和Liam接管了一切


Oasis成功的奥秘在于Noel接管的是一支准备充足的乐队。我向来愿意为Noel腾出时间,可他是那么的孤高自傲,根本不可能凭空组建起自己的乐队。即使是Liam, 事实上可不像人们印象中那般蠢的Liam,都意识到“the rain ”已经是个上路的乐队。把我从乐队中挤出去(让Noel直接改造the rain可比Noel自己组个乐队)省事得多。”

4,Noel was just a loner (1997) 


Noel 不过是个孤家寡人


5,Noel sorry about "the young fellow" (1997) 

Noel announced to a chorus of boos: "Sorry about the young fellow, he's a bit of a lightweight." 

He then added: "He's been smoking too many cigarettes."

Source: Daily Mirror, 1997 (Liam pulling out of a Dublin gig)




6,Meg, Liam & Patsy party while Noel's working (1997) 

Patsy smiled broadly but refused to chat about their big day. Liam signed autographs before bounding up the steps to be greeted by Noel's girlfriend Meg Matthews. Noel never made the party - he was thought to be mixing the band's new album at a nearby studio.

Noel在工作时,Meg, Liam 和Patsy在派对狂欢

Patsy笑得很开心,可拒绝对自己和Liam的大日子作出回应。Liam在跳上前给Noel的女友Meg Matthews拥抱前为fans签了名。Noel从来没参加过这些派对——据说他正在附近的一家录音室为乐队的新专辑作混音。

7,Noel wouldn't have it any other way (1997) 

Stern: Boy that brother's a pain in the ass… He really is a pain in the ass, my heart goes out to you man.
Noel: Ah, well never mind.
Stern: I know how difficult that can be. You should just chain him down.
Noel: We all have our crosses to bear.

Stern: Any times (fights) on stage?
Noel: Once, well one time on stage he, I think he hit me across the head with a tambourine and I kicked him on the ass.
Stern: I love that.
Noel: I chased him into the dressing room and all the crowd were waiting for the next song and they're going...they're fighting.
Stern: And you wouldn't have it any other way?
Noel: No, no, no, no it's all...
Stern: It's good. The energy, it's good. You'd miss it if it wasn't that way.
Noel: Absolutely.

Source: Howard Stern’s radio show, June 1997


Noel: “有过一次,他在台上用小铃鼓砸我,我踢了他几下” 
Noel:“ 我把他追进了更衣室,台下的观众一直在等我们表演下一首歌,随后大家闹腾了起来——“他俩正在打架”
Stern: “ 而你不愿意事情是另一番模样?”

8, Noel IS Liam's babysitter (1997) 

Howard Stern: Oh, so you're stuck with him (Liam).
Noel: I can't sack him till he's twenty-one.
Stern: Dude, get rid of him. You don't need the hassle, you're not his babysitter you know what I mean?
Noel: I am.


Howard Stern:“哦,这么说来你是被他(Liam)套住了”
Noel: “他21岁前,我都没法炒他。”
Howard Stern: “老兄,抛弃他。你不需要那个大麻烦,你又不是他保姆,你懂我的意思?”
Noel: “我是。”

9, Noel insisting the occasional splits & quarrels are what keep him excited (1997) 

Howard Stern: So you're the guy the record company goes to when they want to talk business and stuff.
Noel: Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, right. You can't even approach your brother on that.
Noel: No!

Howard Stern: But you know, this is about nobody even knowing when you (Noel and Liam, Oasis) are together. Whether they're together. That's the fun of it.
Noel : Plus it keeps it exciting.

Howard Stern:Not for you but for us.
Noel : Well, I mean, that's what keeps it exciting for me.


Howard Stern:“这么说来,唱片公司要是想谈生意之类的正事找的都是你。”
Howard Stern:“对哦,这种问题上可不敢指望你弟弟” 
Howard Stern:“不过你要知道,这事奇妙就奇妙在根本没人能预料你们(Liam、Noel和Oasis)什么时候会在一起,他们是否会一直在一起。这也是其中好玩的地方。” 
Noel: “再说,这样很刺激。”
Howard Stern:“不是对你,是对我们而言。” 

10,Noel has to put up with both Liam and Patsy (1997) 

Howard Stern: Yeah, yeah right. And she (Patsy) must be a pain in the ass too right?
Noel: Oh, ho...no comment.

Yeah, I think there's a little bit of Yoko vibe goin on there.
Noel: I never said that. I never said that!

So now you have to put up with...
Noel: You're talking about my sister-in-law there.

So now you gotta put up with both of them (Liam and Patsy) right?
Noel: Yeah.


Howard Stern:“嗯,好的、好的。她(Patsy)也是个不省事的,对吧?”
Howard Stern:“现在你不得不忍受。”
Howard Stern:“你现在不得不学着忍受(Liam和Patsy)俩个人,对吗?” 

11,The drinking is definitely the problem (1997) 

Howard Stern: Can you...was he a problem your whole life?
Noel: Yeah, he's like umm, he is! He is! He still is!
He's a problem?
Noel: He's alright until he has a beer and then once he has a beer he just becomes a lunatic.
Right. Okay, so the drinking is the problem.
Noel: Yeah, yeah, definitely.
So have you gone to him and like confronted him and said like, hey man you gotta stop drinking?
Noel: Oh yeah, yeah many a time, yeah.
And what does he say, buzz off and I'm not going to listen to you?
Noel: Yeah, he just like grabs a beer and never lets us talk about it.


Howard Stern:“你能~他是不是一直都是你人生里的一个麻烦?”
Howard Stern:“是个麻烦?”
Howard Stern:“这样啊,那么酗酒就是问题所在咯。”
Howard Stern::“你有没有试过走到他面前,好比当面质询他:‘嘿,兄弟,你该戒掉酒瘾?’”
Howard Stern:“他怎么说?滚开,我才不听你的?”

12,Sometimes it even gets physical (1997) 

Howard Stern: It's just like a pain in the ass. What's his (Liam’s) problem?
Noel: Uh...ssss...ah....well...if I knew that, if I knew that, I swear I'd have even more money than I have now because I don't...
Howard Stern: And I understand that sometimes it even gets physical.
Noel: It does, as the...
Howard Stern: You can beat up...
Noel: Excuse me?
Howard Stern: Can you beat your brother...
Noel: We're not that close! (someone made a remark in the background about them getting *physical*)


Howard Stern: “可讨人厌了。他(Liam)到底有什么毛病?”
Noel:“呃,啊, 嗯, 要是我知道,要是我懂得,我发誓我肯定能挣得比现在多,现在的我是没弄明白。”
Howard Stern:“我能理解有时你俩甚至会有肢体接触”
Howard Stern:“你会往死里揍...”
Noel:“ 抱歉?”
Howard Stern:“你会不会狠狠地揍你弟?”



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