
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 14





chapter 14


1, Noel expects Liam to look his best in photos (1997) 

Noel picked up the Sun and shouted, ‘Liam, come here!’ What?’ ‘Look at this.’ Noel turned to the gossip page where they had run a picture of Liam from the Megastore gig. His eyeballs were right at the top of his eyelids. He looked half-blind. ‘Yeah, so? I was fucking E’d up. What do you expect?’ ‘I expect pop singers to look better than that’, Noel said with obvious glee. 

Noel一边拾起日报,一边喊到:“Liam,到这里来!” “干嘛?” “看看这”,Noel把报纸翻到了八卦版面,报纸登了一张Liam在megastore演出的照片。他的眼珠翻到了眼脸顶端。看上去像个瞎子。“嗯,那又怎样?我他妈翻白眼了。你想要怎样?”“我想偶像歌手看起来比那糗样要好”,Noel带着明显的坏笑说到。

2,Liam mingling with Noel and Louise's fish (1993), 1997

I (Johnny Marr) went round to Noel’s flat in India House, and he and Louise had his big fish tank with all these different kinds of fish in it. I didn’t realize Liam was there until I shouted over to Noel in the sitting room, ‘What are these ones called?’ Then I heard a voice behind me say, ‘Fish’. That was Liam, Of course. As soon as I saw him, I just went…” 

Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997)


我(Johnny Marr)到Noel在印度之家的公寓串门,他和Louise在他那个巨大的鱼缸里养了各种各样的鱼。我开始没意识到Liam也在那,直到我在客厅朝Noel喊,“这些是什么名堂?”我听到背后传来个声音,‘宠物鱼’。很显然那是Liam。我看到他时,完全…


【搬运补充:微博 @煲粥笔记

3, Yet another version of band beginnings: it was all about Liam (1997) 

Noel: “Rain? They were rubbish! Terrible! Absolutely dreadful! Then they changed their name to Oasis and then I went to see them again and they were just as bad. But they had a different singer which was our kid. And he asked me to join the group. I had fuck all better to do, so I said, yeah, I would.” 



4, Liam loved his brother, obvious innit? (1997) 

Liam loved his brother, obvious innit? But sometimes he felt that Noel never gave anything back.
Didn’t Liam have an inkling of the work Noel put in? Did he not also hear the voices in Noel’s head telling him that he was nothing more than a piece of dogshit? Did he not see that Liam was one of the very few people on the planet Noel could totally trust? And that if he wanted money all he had to do was ask.





5,"We're going to build two love heart-shaped igloos" (1997) 

Noel: "We, the pair of us, we are on this really big, loved up expedition and we’re going to go and build two love heart-shaped igloos in the South Pole and we’re going to walk across the icy wastelands with our tennis racquets...".
Source: The Evening Session with Steve Lamacq (1997) 




6,Noel just wants Liam (1997) 

Noel: “Onstage, I just want HIM. When he turns to me and I turn to him at one guitar break or whatever and we just both look at each other. I’m not dissing the rest of the band, but there is only me and him. When he turns to me and goes, ‘Are you mad for it’, and I go, ‘Aye, cocker’, that what it’s all about.” 



7, Noel needs Liam's approval (1997) 

Lamacq: And you’ll enjoy confounding people with your music (also in the future)?
Noel: I wanna confound me, I wanna confound him (Liam). When I play him the demos of the next album I want him to tell me that he ain’t gonna sing it because it’s naff, and I’ll think, well, we’re getting somewhere now… As long as he (Liam) likes it… When I’m sure about something, then I only need him to like it, to say, ‘Yes, you’re right.’ And he can sit down and say what he likes, like ‘I’m just the singer’, but it’s his band. 
Source: The Evening Session with Steve Lamacq (1997) 



8,Noel sees himself as a burden to Liam (1997) 

Noel: "That man (Liam) is a bigger man than I am. Because he has to deal with his life and he’s gotta deal with somebody like me on top of everything else that goes on." 
Source: The Evening Session with Steve Lamacq, October 1997



[伯,bigger man, on toooooooooop神马的双关暗示,我们懂的!]


9, On divorce and planning babies (1997) 

Lamacq: Are you enjoying married life? Are you planning babies?
Noel: No, I’m gonna divorce him as soon as we leave the studio. 

XX: “你们享受婚后生活吗?有没有打算要小孩?”

[这段相当鸡血,有必要详细阐述下情况。当时伯和烂小喵都结婚了,电台主持问他俩婚后的生活肿么样。伯对号入座,以为电台主持问的"married life“是他和Liam,直接来了句"gonna divorce him";随后电台主持聊了点有关家庭的话题,烂小喵说自己是个很有家庭观的人,证据是自己打算下星期就牵条狗回家养,伯在旁边傻乐。电台主持又问到关于要孩子的事。烂小喵说自己可能会想要。伯立马回到,你今年才25岁,我还在照顾你,你要个毛孩子啊。烂小喵又吹牛说自己肯定会成为这个世界上最好的爸爸。伯来了句,我肯定会成为这世上最好的伯伯。最后,电台主持又给力了,和伯说liam现在讨了老婆,有人照顾他了,you should be less protective of him,伯当下怒了,he is my younger brother, blah blah blah,烂小喵沉默了一下,又在边上说自己不需要任何人照顾···相当欢乐,妙语连珠的一段对话]

10, He inspires me more than I inspire him" (1997) 

Lamacq: Do you still inspire each other?
Liam: Well, Noel inspires me, I don’t know if I inspire him.
Noel: Yes he does. He knows he does.… He knows he is a genius but he won’t admit it.
Liam: I will admit it, I am a fucking genius.
Noel: No you’re not! Ha ha ha. He inspires me more than I inspire him. His singing inspires me.
Source: The Evening Session with Steve Lamacq, October 1997


Noel:“不,你不是!哈哈哈哈。他带给我的灵感比我给他的多。他唱歌的感觉总能鼓舞我。 ”



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