
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 15





chapter 15


1,Their father obviously preferred Liam (1997) 

Their father’s obvious preference for Liam hurt Noel, and is a major reason as to why their relationship is one of the most complex ever to have been placed under the white heat of public scrutiny.

Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997)



2,Liam wanted Noel in a band with him (early 90s), 1997

Liam asked Noel three times to form a duo with him. The Gallagher Brothers. Liam knew enough to see that his brother was now deadly serious about music. Up in their bedroom, there were scraps of paper everywhere with Noel’s doodlings on them. But each time, Noel refused Liam.

Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997)

(90年代初)Liam 想要Noel和自己在一个乐队里

Liam至少向Noel 提过三次,让他和自己作搭档。纠结的咖喱哥兄弟。Liam早已觉悟到自己的哥哥很把音乐当作一回事。在他们的卧室,四处散着涂满Noel的草稿的纸片。可是每一次,Noel都拒绝了他。

3,Noel afraid of Liam (and himself) turning into their father (1997) 

For Noel, it (Liam being violent) was like watching his father again
Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997



4,Noel liked Liam's "homoerotic" lyrics (1991), 1997

The only early Oasis song that Noel would even consider playing live was ‘Take Me’. He liked the lyrics.
Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997)


“Take Me”是Oasis早期的歌里,Noel唯一会考虑现场表演的.他喜欢Liam写的歌词。

5,Start messing with Liam and you'll have to deal with Noel (1998) 

"We never slagged Paul McCartney off, or George Harrison or Keith Richards, until they started having a go at our Liam, really," explains Noel. "So you've got to stick up for your little brother, haven't you?"
Source: Melody Maker, March 1998


“我俩从没惹过Paul McCartney,George Harrison或是Keith Richards,直到他们开始诋毁我们的Liam。”Noel解释道。“你总得为自己的弟弟撑腰,不是吗?”

6,Just about the only person who can criticise Liam is Noel and vice-versa (1997) 

It seems that just about the only person who can criticise him (Liam) is Noel and vice-versa. For example, Liam loathes the recent cover the band did of David Bowie's Heroes. 'I said we shouldn't have done it. I said to him, "I haven't got an ounce of Bowie in me and you don't either." He did it anyway and it's shit and I hate it and I'm glad I'm not singing on it.'
Source: Daily Telegraph, August 1997

世上能批评Liam的只有Noel, 反之亦然

貌似世上只有Noel有权批判Liam,反之亦然。举例来说吧,Liam非常讨厌Noel翻唱的“ heroes”。“我和他说,我们不应该翻那首歌。‘我身上没有丝毫Bowie的个性,你也没有。’他一意孤行地翻了,翻得一点也不好,我很不喜欢,我很庆幸唱那歌的不是我。” 

7, Noely (1997) 

Noel: "All bands go there for about two weeks, do four gigs and then come home. We ended up going over there for two months, doing shitloads of gigs and that, and you just get bored, and you start getting pissed. All the rows that ever started, we’ve been drunk: ‘Look at your shoes, you dick’; ‘Who are you calling a dick?’; ‘Calling you a dick’; ‘Who’s a dick’... and before you know it, it’s [shouts as if hailing a cab] ‘Concorde!’ It’s all to do with lager, isn’t it? [Points at can] That’s evil shit, man!"
Liam: "Noely, can I butt in there one minute?"
Noel: "Course you can."

Source: Select, August 1997


Noel:“所有乐队都是在那待上两礼拜,做四场演出,之后就得打道回府。我们却不断地往返奔波,做了N场演出,到后来只觉得厌倦,开始借酒浇愁。矛盾都是在我们喝醉了之后开始的:“看看你穿的那鞋,傻逼”;“你说谁傻逼?” “说你。” “谁?”,之后就完全失控啦,[像在拦出租车一样大喊]:‘嘿,喷气机!’都是啤酒惹的祸,不是吗?[指着啤酒罐]他们是万恶之源!”



8, Noel can't help behaving like a substitute parent (1997) 

"There’s Bald Oasis," says Liam Gallagher, nudging up to the other four as they pose against a purple backdrop, "there’s Stoned Oasis, Rich Oasis, Cockney Oasis..."

"And what are you?" barks his brother, in the manner of one who can’t help but behave like a substitute parent. Liam pauses for about four seconds. "Misunderstood Oasis." The band fall about. And then Liam repeats it, hoping for the extra laugh - which he gets in spades.

Source: Select, August 1997


当乐队成员背对着紫色布景摆POSE 拍照时,Liam挨个数着自己的队友说道:“这是秃顶的Oasis”,“这边是喝醉的Oasis、有钱的Oasis[又在吐槽伯,这小子还真萌]、还有伦敦仔Oasis……”


9, "Why don't they write about me and you instead of your bird?" (1997) 

At this point, Liam becomes a permanent presence, pulling a chair to within inches of Noel, and establishing his place in the interview. By the end, the two of them are equal participants, laying on a display of how the partnership works during it’s more rosy phases. Liam dispenses a flurry of one-line contributions that often bring a conclusion to a subject. Noel supplies the verbal meat. He also becomes way more animated, playing for Liam’s laughs.
Liam: "What was that you were saying?"
Noel: "Why don’t they write about me and you instead of your bird?"
Liam: "I get sick of it, me."
Noel: [Into tape recorder] "Birds are rubbish!"

Source: Select, August 1997




10,Just you and me in Paris (1997) 

They need to be themselves, they can't be no-one else. Well, maybe. Right now, bustling through the photo studio's huge steel doors in a flurry of green and blue, Noel and Liam Gallagher are each other. Same hair, same scowl, same swagger, same security guards: brothers,In matching Kangol parkas.

"I swear I didn't know he was going to wear his," says Noel, fingering his designer logo. "Do you think I'd have turned up wearing the same clobber as that cunt on purpose?"

"Yeah, right," smirks Liam, "you were on the phone to Pats going, 'What's he wearing, what's he wearing? I've got to make sure it matches'."

Noel rolls his eyes. "Er, right. We should make sure we get some money off Kangol for this."

"Too right! Can't wear anything these days."

"Yeah," agrees Noel. "Can't wear anything these days without someone trying to give us money for it. Bloody terrible that is. Do you want a sarnie?"

"No, but I'm mad for a beer." Liam swivels round looking for his security guard. "Get us a couple of beers, mate. I'm going to hit fucking Paris tonight! I've been in for three days and nights doing fuck all, just watching Neighbours twice a day. I'm getting a thing for Helen fuckiing Daniels and it's not healthy! I am gasping for a proper night out. It's going to be top!" Noel momentarily brightens. It's not been a great morning but the future smells sweeter.

"Yeah," he says, nudging his brother, "just you and me in Paris! We are going to have a right party! Patsy and Meg will be panicking, ringing the hotel rooms, wondering where we are and we won't be there. We'll be out!"

"Yeah," agrees Liam decisively, "we'll be right out!" 

Source: NME, July 1997

10. 巴黎双人游

他俩必需我行我素,他们无力模仿他人。好吧,可能如此。此时此刻,穿行于灯红酒绿、熙熙攘攘的摄影棚之间,Noel 和Liam Gallagher就是彼此。同样的发型、同样的眉毛、同样的趾高气扬、同样的保安,穿着同样的Kangol 皮衣——这就是兄弟。





“不要,但想喝啤酒。”Liam转来转去找自己的保安,“给我们拿点啤酒来吧,哥们。我今晚可是要去他妈的巴黎!我已经在家宅了三天三夜,啥都没干,一天看两遍“neighbours”.我都快依恋上Helen Daniels了,这样不健康!等不及要出去玩一晚了。肯定会很棒!”Noel即刻笑逐颜开。今天早晨并不美好,可未来看起来相当甜蜜。


【10年了,怎么还没Out, come on, don’t be shy, the world is waiting】




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