
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 2


chapter 2:

quotes的时间: 1994年,英文quotes来源: https://mfokquotearchiv.livejournal.com/

1.When not writing about Liam Noel is writing hate songs about old girlfriends of Liam… 

Another mad punk rock one. It's about a chick Our Kid was going out with once who was a fucking pain in the arse. Mentioning no names. This is years ago.

Source: NME, October 1998

Note 1: the girlfriend in question is probably Cerisse, the pre-fame girlfriend of Liam's Noel told him to ditch. 

NOte 2: if you take "she" to be the girlfriend to be ditched, "we" to be Noel and Liam, "I" to be Noel and "you" to be Liam the lyrics are quite poignant

She needs a headshrinker now

And I think it's time we had some fun

Lost in a fog

I've been treated like a dogAnd I'm out of here

I got no name

And I feel no shame And I got no fear

And I bow down

To the tears of a clown

Whatever's going down

Is coming around

I hope you don't regret today

For the rest of our lives
















2.It takes a fight with Liam to get Noel excited (1994) 

"We argue," confirms Noel. "Not all the time, and not always in front of the press. Although we don't bother when the press are there these days, because it's become a bit of a joke. But we fight, yeah. Hourly. In fact, I haven't seen him today, so I might 'phone him up and pick an argument with him. Plus, it isn't really in-band rivalry, because he doesn't do anything except sing. I write the songs. It's strange, though, I don't get excited about much. I can take all this in my stride, but I get excited about fighting with our kid sometimes."

Source: Hot Press, September 1994



3.'Come on wake up, we're due on!' (1994) 

“I was in the Green Field watching a bunch of didgeridoo players when this lad came up to the bloke next to me and started shouting at him. He yelled something like, ‘come on wake up, we’re due on!’ and they had a bit more shouting before he dragged him off. I didn’t realise it until later, but the first bloke was Noel Gallagher and the second one was Liam.”

Source: Q, July 1998 (a sound engineer reminiscing Glastonbury 1994)


“当时我正在Green Field观看一群迪吉里杜管(澳大利亚土著使用的一种乐器)演奏者表演,这时一个伙计走到坐在我傍边的那个家伙面前,并开始叱喝他。他喊了一些类似这样的话:“嘿,清醒点,该我们上场了!”。然后在他把他拖走前,他们俩又吵闹了一会。直到迟些时候我才意识到,第一个家伙是Noel Gallagher,而第二个正是Liam。”

4.They even fight about fighting (1994)

Liam: ‘I’m into the music, but I’m also into the lifestyle too, if that’s the case you may as well sit in the studio all day.’

Noel: ‘Well, for me, it’s about the music.’

Liam: ‘Ah, fuck the music.’

Noel: ‘No! Don’t ever say fuck the music.’

Liam: ‘I don’t mean that – you’re a body, you’re a human being, man.’

Noel: ‘Yeah, but I live for the music, I’ve got my personality but I don’t want to give it to the public. My views are my views.’

Liam: ‘Yeah but…’

Noel: ‘Yeah but nothing.’

Liam: ‘We’ll have a fight in a minute.’

Noel: ‘No we fucking won’t.’

Liam: ‘Yeah we will.’













5.Liam as the dumb blonde (1994) 

“Liam predicted Noel’s eventual involvement with Oasis (in 1990). Noel replied he would never, ever be in a band with such a moaning dick as him. A year later he submitted.

Noel: ‘I was watching them from the back and thought, Fuck it, there is the car, all I have to do is get in it. So I threw him (Liam) out of the driver’s seat, took his map off him and told him I’d drive, I’d navigate and he should get in the back, keep his mouth shut and just look good.’

Liam: ‘I’m the dumb blonde.’ ”





6. Liam as Noel's most important relationship, 1994

Noel explains the hooligan element thus: "The lads get bored, get drunk, start brawling and do the rooms. I go off and write music, because nothing else matters to me." Without a hint of humour or irony he adds: "If the Devil popped up now and said 'It's a choice. Music or relationships' -- be it mother, girlfriend, even Liam, I'd sign on the dotted line."

"Once separated, they admit to a curious yin yang relationship, although they can't actually bring themselves to admit it to each other. "We're Catholic Irish stock so you just don't say those sort of things," says Noel, shrugging his shoulders. "The closest we got was when our kid said 'I wouldn't sing anyone's songs but yours and John Lennon's,' and I said 'I wouldn't have anyone else sing my songs but you and John Lennon.' We shook hands and were at each other again ten minutes later.

"Liam's young, he's on a complete trip and he's all fucking mouth at the moment, and that winds me up. He's a genius frontman, he was born to do this and that's something I can't be. But he also wishes he was me, always has done. His fans come up to him after shows and I hear him giving all this gobshite, and I think, 'Shut up you twat, I babysat for you.' You see, our kid wants to be remembered like Sid Vicious, while I just want to be a great songwriter. He thinks I'm boring and soft and he can't understand that you change."

"You could be me and pretty soon you will be, but you're gonna need a line. I could be you if you wanted to, but I've never got the time." A telling moment, from a Noel song buried away on the b- side of "Shakermaker", points to the heart of their relationship. Although they have an elder brother, the mutual love of pop, Noel's bulging record collection and songwriting talent meant he was someone Liam always looked up to. "That song is me talking to our kid. Liam's naive and volatile but he is gonna be like me soon. He's gonna have to get chilled out, take some drugs, and suss things out first though, because at the moment he hasn't a clue what it's all about."



“一旦分开,他们会承认他们二人间存在着非常有趣的阴和阳的关系,尽管他们俩都实在无法令自己向另一方承认这一点。“我们是爱尔兰的天主教平民,你就是不会说这类型的东西”,Noel耸耸肩说道,“我们俩之间说过的最亲密的话是有一次Liam和我说‘除了你和John Lennon的歌以外,我绝不会唱其他任何人的歌’,然后我回答他说,‘除了你和John Lennon外,我也不会让其他任何人唱我写的歌’。我们俩握了握手,十分钟后又对对方发起了飙。

“Liam还年轻,他正在人生的旅途上,目前他总是满嘴乱骂,快把我惹毛了。他是个天生的主唱,他是生来注定做这个的,这是我无法得到的东西。但是他希望他是我,他一直都这样想。在演出结束后,他的fans前来找他,我听到他说的一堆屁话,我心里想,‘闭上你的嘴,你个白痴,我一直都在为你做保姆呢。’你看,我弟弟想让自己像Sid Vicious(sex pistols成员)那样被人记住,而我只想成为一个棒极了的写歌人。他认为我这个人很乏味,很软弱,他不知道的是人是会变的。”




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