
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter5


醒目:本章Noel & Liam骨科内容警告!












chapter 5

下列quotes的时间: 1995年,英文quotes来源 https://mfokquotearchiv.livejournal.com/ 
1.He makes me laugh... (1995), 1997
In the pub, Robbie (Williams) used the word ‘irony’. Bonehead said, ‘I don’t know what that means, mate.’. ‘It’s Jamaican’, Liam said. ‘They say it when they are pressing their trousers. Iron the knee.’ Noel interrupted: ‘No, no, it’s Irie – knee.’ The brothers laughed. 
Noel looked over at Liam and laughed. ‘Come on’, he urged his brother, ‘say something controversial.’ ‘Nah’, Liam replied, ‘I’ve got nothing to say.’ Noel raised his eyebrows. ‘YOU’ve got nothing to say.’ ‘Look, at the end of the day…’ ‘…comes night’, Noel shot back. ‘Depends where you live’, Liam retorted just as quickly.  
Noel (mockingly) at Liam: ‘Ahhh, you poor little thing.’ Liam stood there half-smiling. ‘Fucking wankers.’ Then he looked at Noel’s jacket, a smart three-button number wih leather collars and cuffs. ‘At least I don’t look like a geography teacher with that fucking jacket on.’ ‘ Nor do I’, Noel quickly replied, ‘seeing as my geography teacher was black and from Nigeria’.  
Source: Getting High, the Adventures of Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1997)  
在酒吧,罗比·威廉姆斯使用了“讽刺”这个词。Bonehead说,“我不知道那是什么意思,伙计”。“那是牙买加语,”Liam说道,“当他们熨裤子时他们就那样说。Irony——Iron the knee”。Noel插了进来说:“不,不,不,是irie-knee。”兄弟俩都笑了。 







2.He threatened to leave because I wouldn't go to the pub with him (1995) 

Who threatens to leave the band more on tour, you or Liam?

Liam's leaving the band at this very minute. Liam's always leaving the band. It's raining today so he's leaving the band 'cos it's raining. (Imitating mithering brother) Why's it raining? Fucking hell! That's it! I've had enough of this this, I'm going! I'm sitting there saying, (cheerfully) See you then, bye. He threatened to leave in Minneapolis because I wouldn't go the pub with him.

Source: Q, July 1995




3.It's just me and me brother having arguments in a band (1995) 

Liam gets all the sex-symbol pop-star attention in the band and little credit as a musician; Noel is hailed as the artist and visionary. But both brothers swear it's really not a big deal. "It's just me and me brother having arguments in a band," Liam says. "If we weren't in a band, we'd be havin' it in the house. If we had a greengrocers, Gallagher's Greengrocers, we'd argue over which way we set out the apples or the fuckin' pears." 

Source: Rolling Stone, May 1995





4.From the owner of the star of the stage (1995) 

Flare-ups do occur. Chuck Cleaver of Ass Ponys witnessed one when his band played with Oasis in Memphis, Tenn. "They were signing a poster for a fan," Cleaver recounts, "and Liam signed it, 'From the star of the stage.' So then his brother wrote, 'From the owner of the star of the stage.' " Next thing Cleaver knew, he was taking cover: "Liam got ticked and tossed a chair at [Noel]; he was yelling, 'Wanker!' and 'Cheeky bastard!'"


Source: Rolling Stone, May 1995


骤怒的确时有发生。当他和绿洲乐队一同在美国南部的孟菲斯表演时,Ass Ponys乐队的查克·克利弗就目睹过其中的一场。“他们当时正在给一个歌迷签海报。”克利弗复述着,“Liam在上面签了一句话,‘来自舞台之星’;然后他哥哥签的时候,在海报上写上了‘来自舞台之星的主人’这行话。”克利弗所知道的下件事是,他在找地方躲避:“Liam发飙了,朝Noel扔了张凳子;他破口大骂,“贱人”和“无耻的混蛋”······

5. The tug between kicks and kisses, 1995
And it’s also the sound that makes Oasis so compelling: the tug between lumpenness and longing, kicks and kisses, between their down-to-earth laddishness and the hints of femininity you’d have to be a hammerhead to miss (the tender, yearning feeling of their best songs, the fact that Liam’s not handsome, he’s pretty). 
Source: Melody Maker, 22 July, 1995



6..If I'm angry I just sing more angrier, 1995

It is strange to sing Noel’s words? ‘No’, he says quickly. Even if you’re angry at him? ‘No. If I’m angry I just sing more angrier.’ Ever find that sometimes you just can’t bring yourself to sing his lyrics? Quickly again. ‘No’. Never? ‘No.’ Amazing. ‘Uh-huh. It’s just right, innit? I’ve gotta sing it, I’m the singer.’

Source: Alternative Press, December 1995











“哈哈,就是感觉非常对,不是吗? 无论如何我都得唱啊,我是主音。”



7.Boys thinking impure thoughts, 1995

Liam’s features are made for enduring love affairs with cameras. Even as we speak, thousands of girls (and boys, too) are staring at his visage and thinking impure thoughts.

Source: Alternative Press, December 1995





8.Frankenstein's monster, 1995

As Noel writes all the songs and makes all the decisions, he admits “it’s all a bit of Frankenstein’s monster, isn’t it? But to be honest, I couldn’t give a fook what happens to him (Liam). I only keep the band going cos if I didn’t, me mam would kill me.”

Source: The Guardian, 22 April 1995





9.Noel had so much over power him, 1995

“I’d witnessed some of what went on the night before. Liam had been trying to be friendly with Noel and Noel was giving him a hard time, and that’s what started him off on his binge. The impression I got was that Noel had so much power him. He seemed very vulnerable that day. He was totally pissed by the time we did that photo session but he was desperately trying to get in with Noel again.” 

Source: Was There Then. Oasis, a Photographic Journey by Jill Furmanovsky (Ebury Press, 1997); referring to the trip to Paris in November 1995





10.Earls Court, 4th November 1995


Dialogue before ‘Champagne Supernova’


Liam: I’d just like say that me and our kid love each other.

Noel: No, no. He’s a cunt.

Liam: We had sex last night.

Noel: He’s an ugly cunt. This one’s called ‘Champagne Super-ugly-cunt.”

Source: BHI website, printed in 1995

Note: the actual exchange of words is longer and has been transcripted in Madferourkid, will modify this later










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