
Oasis兄弟quotes翻译集 Chapter 18





chapter 18


1. Noel comes, out of nowhere, to Liam's rescue (and means it) (1998) 

The photographer involved in a pub fracas with Liam Gallagher said last night: "He was like a wildman." Liam clashed with Mel Bouzad after a 24-hour binge, during which the singer broke down and wept. 

Fellow photographer Steve Butler told how Liam's brother Noel poked him in the face and threatened a "glassing" attack. 

Butler said Noel told him: "You are going to make my brother insane."
Liam and his pals had downed drinks at two other pubs before arriving at the Pembroke - the "local" for Oasis record company Creation. They realised they had been spotted by a photographer. After going inside Liam and co turned on their heels, marched straight out and made for Bouzad. 
Last night Bouzad said: "Gallagher hit me in the stomach and it really hurt. Then they tried to get the film out of my camera. They couldn't do it, so they smashed the lens. I wasn't breaking any law. I certainly didn't provoke them - Liam was like a wildman. I was waiting outside for him with two other photographers when he burst out of the pub and started effing and blinding as he attacked me with his elbows. He attacked me for about a minute. He was completely out of it." 
Butler told how brother Noel, 31, came from nowhere. 
He said: "I was going to go back to my car. Noel came up to me and stared me straight in the face. He called me a fucking wanker.He prodded me in the chest and then poked me in the face. I just stood there and took it. Noel told me that if there was no-one around `I'd do you right now, I'd glass you...you are going to make my brother insane'.He wasn't messing around, I knew he meant it." 
Liam and his friends then went back inside the Pembroke, where he was arrested 15 minutes later and taken by van to Camden police station.Liam was later released on bail without charge pending further enquiries. Last night police said of Liam's part in the Pembroke punch-up: "He was arrested after a disturbance and an allegation of criminal damage." 
Brother Noel later returned to his mansion, Supernova Heights, in Belsize Park.

Noel 突然现身,帮助Liam

与Liam Gallagher陷入酒吧斗殴事件的记者昨晚叙述道:“他像个疯子”。24小时夜以继日的酗酒狂欢后,Liam和记者Mel Bouzad起了冲突,群架过程中Liam未能制敌,一度落泪。
同行记者Steve Butler声称Liam的哥哥Noel指着自己的脸,威胁要捅自己。
哥哥Noel随后回到了自己的别墅,Belsize 公园的Supernova Heights。

2. Liam did his best to fulfill this wish of Noel's (2007), 1998
Noel: I'd give up everything I fucking ever made out of this band to go to another planet with some aliens. I'd give all I've got to go the moon.

Source: NME, December 1998

Note: Liam's 40th birthday gift to Noel was reported to be an option to take part in a space trip that is being arranged by Richard Branson



注释:据称Liam送给Noel的40岁生日礼物是参加Richard Branson组织的太空旅行的选择权。


3. Liam on the list of people most admired by Noel as he's "daft as a brush and makes me laugh" 
NME: Who do you admire most?
Noel: Me mam, 'cause she brought me up. Me younger brother, 'cause he's as daft as a brush and makes me laugh. Paul Weller, 'cause he's still got his integrity after all these years.


Noel:我妈,是她把我拉扯大。我弟弟,因为他蠢得要命,却是我的开心果。Paul Weller,沉浮多年依然刚正不阿。

4. Noel has given up trying to explain Liam's antics (1998) 
It's 1998, but Britain apparently hasn't stopped sending its delinquents Down Under. While on tour in Australia, Oasis' lead mouthpiece, LIAM GALLAGHER, allegedly head-butted and broke the nose of a fan who tried to snap his picture. The singer was released on bail, just in time to hit an all-time low in Brisbane, bickering onstage with the rest of the band and, worse, inflicting his whingeing vocals on the audience. To round off Gallagher's stellar week, Cathay Pacific Airways barred the rock group from its flights. A spokeswoman claims that Gallagher threatened to stab one of the airline's pilots while flying into Perth. Brother Noel's response to those allegations: "I don't know, that's just Liam."


已经是1998年了,可不列颠显然没有停止向大洋洲倾销自己的劣童。澳洲巡演期间,Oasis首要发言人,Liam Gallagher,据称用脑袋袭击并成功压断试图偷拍他的某fans的鼻子。主唱歌手已被保释,并成功地在Brisbane刷新了自己的最糟表现记录,在台上和乐队其他成员吵闹,更糟的是,用他醉酒的嗓音折磨台下的观众。国泰航空公司禁止乐队搭乘国泰航班,为咖喱哥之周划上了圆满句号。(国泰)发言人声称在飞往Perth途中,Liam曾威胁要捅死航空公司的某飞行员。对此,哥哥Noel的回应是:“(问我)我也不懂,Liam就那样。”

5. Noel explaining heartbreak to Liam… (1998) 

NME: Your heartbreak song?
Noel: "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" by Monty Python. 
Liam: "Perfect Day" by whatshisname, Lou Reed
Noel: "Ticket To Ride" is a pretty good heartbreak tune, innit?
Liam: What's he mean by heartbreak tune?
Noel: A record that reminds you of feeling sad when a bird's leaving you.
Liam: Aaaaaaah...it's a 'Perfect Day'. D'yer geddit kids? Anyone fancy a pint?


NME: 令你心碎的歌?
Noel: Monty Python的”Always look on the bright side of life”
Liam:那个谁谁谁?Lou Reed的“完美一日”.
Noel: “ticket to ride”也是支不错的碎心之歌,不是吗?
Liam: 他说的“心碎之曲”指什么意思?
Noel: 让你陷入女友抛弃你时心痛欲裂的感觉的专辑。

6. 'So what you're saying is you love me and it's a great song?' 'Yeah! You fucking knobhead! (1998) 
I think it's (The Masterplan) the best song I've ever written. But I was gutted because Our Kid - who loves it, it's one of his favourites - but he was just walking around going, 'You fucking knobhead! Why did you write that now? Why couldn't you have waited for a year so it could go on the next album? Or why didn't you write it for the last album, you fucking dick!' And he works himself up into a frenzy where he hates me for writing this great song at that particular point. And I'm going, 'So basically what you're saying is you love me and it's a great song?' 'Yeah! You fucking knobhead!'"

Source: NME, October 1998


我认为The Masterplan是我写的最好的歌。可我郁闷过一段时间,因为我弟弟-他很喜欢这首歌,他的最爱之一-他不停地抱怨,‘你个傻子!为什么你现在才写出这首歌?为什么不等上一年,以便在下张专辑上发行?或者在上次发专辑时写出这首歌?该死的傻逼!’他的纠结使他因为我在那个时候写出这首佳作而对我心存愤恨。我问他,‘这么说,归根结底,你的意思是你爱我而且这是首很棒的歌?’ ‘嗯,你个呆瓜’

7. Liam giving Noel moral support before a Sony seminar gig (1994), 1998

Noel: "It was an absolutely empty hall. At the beginning Our Kid's going, 'Doesn't matter if it's out of tune, because you're cool'.

Source: NME, October 1998

索尼seminar gig前,Liam给予Noel精神鼓舞


8. Noel called the song "Acquiesce" to confuse Liam (1998) 

But it (calling the song Acquiesce) was good, 'cos it confused Liam. Hahaha! 'What's a fucking acquiesce?' 'It's a new car by Volkswagen. Fucking great, you wanna get yourself one'."

Source: NME, October 1998



9. Acquiesce definitely, definitely isn't about Liam...though "Noel went with it for ages" (1998) 
Liam couldn't sing the chorus for some reason. I think he was drunk or something, but he couldn't get the high notes. So I decided to sing it. When the record came out everyone was going, 'It's a song about Liam', and that I was saying that we need each other, we believe in one another - which was total fucking bullshit. It wasn't about that, but 'cos he was singing the verses and I was singing the choruses people were like: 'Oh God man, the two brothers are, like, sharing their love for each other, even though they hate each other. It's just like, wow, they're bonding on record'. Haha! So we went along with that for ages!"

Source: NME, October 1998



10. Masterplan's "brother" definitely doesn't refer to Liam either (1998) 
Because you mention the word "brother" in the song people take it to be about Liam.

Noel: "Yeah, I don't mean that in the sense that it's Liam; it's like, we're all brothers, aren't we? Brothers and sisters."
Source: The Masterplan promo CD, August 1998



11. Liam wants to write songs with Noel, Noel doesn't (1998) 

Well, Liam's written a few lately, for his own tunes, which are pretty good, actually. But he wants to put them to my songs, which I'm not having, 'cos we argue enough as it is let alone arguing about arrangements of lyrics. A joint song would be a nightmare, I think.

Source: The Masterplan promo CD, August 1998




12. Liam,at 25, is a young kid to Noel (1998) 
"You have to remember he's only 25. He's still a young kid.”

Source: Melody Maker, March 1998



13. Without Liam, Noel would have nothing to write songs about (1998) 

"I rate him," Liam says of Noel. "I don't hate him. How could I? Except for days when I could hate anyone, including meself. He doesn't hate me, either. He'd have nothing else to write about, would he? And he lets me sing his songs. The best songs. I love him. He gave me a ticket to ride."

Source: GQ, February 1998



14. They're two kids back in the playground, looking out for each other (1998) 

Liam rejoins his brother and I can see why they aren't Cain and Abel. This pair is a mutual
protectorate. The look of pride on Noel's face as Liam warms to the rant that will rattle the pots on tea-time radio says everything about this odd couple; the more pleased Noel looks with him, the more emotional Liam gets. They're laughing and hugging. They're two kids back in the playground, looking out for each other. Flesh and blood. Oasis. They won't give it up.

Source: GQ, February 1998



15. Wearing matching rings which symbolize eternal affection (1998) 

Both Liam and Noel Gallagher wear the gold Claddagh ring, the old Irish symbol of eternal affection. Theirs are ruby red hearts studded with diamonds.


Liam和Noel Gallagher两人都戴着Claddagh金戒指,这是爱尔兰对永世之爱的传统象征。他俩的款式是镶嵌着钻石的星形红宝石。

【来自百科的补充:爱尔兰有种特别的戒指名叫克拉达戒指(The Claddagh ring),是爱尔兰的传统婚戒,象征着爱情(Love)、友谊(Friendship)和忠贞(Loyalty)。诞生在400年前一位叫理查德·乔伊斯(RichardJoyce)的金匠的手中。金匠生活在一个叫克拉达的渔村,最早期的克拉达戒指都刻有他的名字首字母(RI)。现在,克拉达戒指已经成了爱尔兰文化遗产的一部分。 克拉达戒指有很多颜色和材质可选择,但整体式样是:它的整体式样是两只手捧着一颗心,心上戴着王冠,意思是With my hands I give you my heart, and crown it with my love(我向你双手奉上我的心,并冠以我的爱),还有一个意思是Let love and friendship reign forever(让爱情和友谊永远主宰)】



16. Noel thinks Liam is sexy (1998) 
Do you think he's sexy?
I do, yeah. It's the swagger, isn't it? It's that, I don't give a fuck mate. Which he doesn't. He appeals to young people. He's a child himself. His whole psyche is built out of being a child, which is cool, it keeps everything exciting.
Source: Q, January 1998





17. Noel just doesn't understand why he finds Liam attractive (1998) 

If I was a teenage girl, I'd think, Fuck me, he's really good looking.If I was a teenage boy, I'd think, If that cunt can do it, then there's hope for us all. But I don't understand why he appeals to me. Because he pisses me off.



18. They're both dreamers and romantics (1998) 
You don't write a song like Wonderwall if you're not romantic. I am. I'm a dreamer and a romantic. Liam is too.



19. "Does Liam embarrass you?" "Never, no. I'm proud of him." (1998) 

But isn't it an age thing? You can't imagine Liam behaving in the same way when he's 35.
"You said it mate. I hope someone tells him that. Actually, Liam's worn a lot of the fight out of me. Some of the things he says and does now I can't be bothered about. Two or three years ago, he might have got a mic stand across his head for some of the stuff he's done in the studio.But I just can't be fucking arsed with it anymore. I just look at him and go, Whatever, just get on with it. I'll be down the pub when you're finished."
Does he embarrass you?
"Never, no. I'm proud of him. He's my kid brother. He gave me a job [laughs]."



20. Liam seeking Noel's attention, once again, 1998

“Liam then noticed Noel looking out of the lounge window. ‘What do you think, Noely G? Eh? I love you, Noel, so tell me what you think. Come on.’ Noel ignored his brother. ‘Scaredy cat. Scaredy cat.’ Noel glanced up at Liam, not happy. ‘Come on, Noel’, Liam insisted. ‘I love you, so what do you think? I know, I know, answer this, instead. What are you thinking about right now? ‘ ‘I’m thinking about music.’ Liam couldn’t find an answer to that.”


随后Liam注意到Noel正盯着休息室的窗外。“你怎么认为,呃,Noely G?我爱你,Noel,告诉我你的意见。拜托。”Noel忽视了自己的弟弟。‘受惊的小猫,受惊的小猫。’Noel不快地盯着Liam。‘拜托,Noel’,Liam死缠烂打。‘我爱你,告诉我你是怎么想的?我明白,我明白,可是,回答下这个问题吧。你在思考什么?’‘我在思考音乐。’ Liam无言以对。

21. Unhappy Liam, 1998

Early 1998, Liam not singing because of a sore throat and desperately in need of attention of Noel. Noel and Hewitt are watching the support act, Liam suddenly appears. “His first words, delivered in a voice of fury and demand, were: ‘Is it all right for me to stand here? All right for me to come to my own gig, is it?’ Noel, initially perplexed by his brother’s angry tone of voice, shrugged his shoulders. Sure. No problem. ‘ ‘All right for me to be at my own gig, is it?’ Liam challenged again. ‘Of course it is’, Noel testily replied… and shook his head af if to say, you dick, and stepped away to the dressing room. ‘That’s it’, Liam shouted at his brother’s back, ‘fuck off somewhere else, you cunt… And do you know, he (Noel) only called me last night beause my ma asked him to. That was the only fucking reason. He doesn’t care about me.'"

Source: Forever the People, Six Months on the Road with Oasis (Paolo Hewitt, Boxtree Publishing, 1999) 





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